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Osama Bin Laden Funnys

Osama Bin Laden Funnys (2)

Osama Bin Laden Funnys (3)

Osama Bin Laden Funnys (4)

Osama Bin Laden Funnys (5)

Osama Bin Laden Funnys (6)

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Here are some photos I have colected that I personally like, so enjoy.

"S.W.A.T., freeze and put your hands on your head!" "Hey stop I said, -*BAM* *BAM* *BAM*-, H.Q. we have a 'TANGO' down!"
  These photos may or may not involve with 9-11. The reason they are here is because they COO!

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This is an armored S.W.A.T. truck that has just been struck by a bullet, possably an AK-47 round, you can see that as the bullet srtuck the truck it mushroomed! This bullet is not supposed to mushroom! But it did!

Ahhhhhhhhh! I'm going to eat you!
this photo is here to satisfy you till i get something better